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Albert Cooper Embouchure Comparison Gauge

£8.50 £6.99
£7.08 £5.83 excluding VAT (UK Export and VAT Assisted Purchase price)
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Our Description

The flute embouchure comparison gauge is for use by players and is designed to help determine more exactly what suits them when choosing or trying other headjoints.

Although the gauge is in inches and millimetres it is not intended for accurately measuring the embouchure hole, but will give a good indication; it is more to tell you which of any two given holes is the larger or smaller. In the same manner you can compare the different undercutting, lip-plate curves and depths.

The various shapes offered on the gauge should not be regarded as the ultimate in embouchure design. If desired, players can alter the gauge by scraping or filling to fit their preferred embouchure style, this will make any differences more apparent when comparing with other holes, and being made of plastic no scratching or damage will be done.

Much of the gauge may be used or adapted for piccolos, alto and bass flutes.

How To Use Your Comparison Gauge

  1. Measure the length, width and diagonal measurement of the embouchure
  2. The curve of the lip-plate should be noted above the strike wall and under the lip.
  3. Check the depth of both left and right.
  4. Check also the undercut left and right.
  5. Check the undercut of the strike wall and the wall nearest the lip
  6. Check the curve of the lip-plate across the width of the hole to determine the amount of overcut needed left and right.

Item Details

Manufacturer: Just Flutes
Category: Flute and Piccolo Maintenance Equipment

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