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Russian Dreams
Includes CD

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From the Publisher

This collection contains works, selected and arranged by Franco Cesarini, that explore the wide spectrum of Russian romantic music. On one side are the followers of Russian nationalism, including composers from Glinka and Mussorgsky, to Cui and Glasunov. They provide a contrast to the more western influenced music of Tchaikovsky and Rubinstein. The book comes with a CD which includes demos of each piece and piano accompaniments to play along with when a pianist isn't available.

Difficulty guide: 4-5
Difficulty level, roughly compared to ABRSM exam grades. 0 is total beginner, 9 is advanced (beyond grade 8).


  1. Cui - Scherzetto
  2. Glazunov - Chant du Menestrel
  3. Glinka - Nocturne
  4. Mussorgsky - La Capricieuse
  5. Rubinstein - Melody in F
  6. Tchaikovsky - Andante Cantabile
  7. Tchaikovsky - Humoresque

Item Details


  • Part 1: Flute
  • Part 2: Piano
Category: Playalong Classical Flute Collections
Publisher: Mitropa Music
Publisher's reference: 1772-11-400M
Our Stock Code: 1202694
Media Type: Paperback; includes accompaniment CD

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