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From the Publisher

'Nookcrannies' is an ongoing collection of short pieces for solo bassoon written for Michel Bettez. Presently three pieces have been composed, each highlighting a specific bassoon register or registers. Each of these simple pieces is characterized by a single melodic gesture, motif or rhythmic figure. I don't regard the pieces as etudes in a didactic sense, but rather as a set of 'musings' inspired by a musician I inspire. As with Michel, I hope bassoonists will be both challenged and charmed.
Difficulty guide: 0-6
Difficulty level, roughly compared to ABRSM exam grades. 0 is total beginner, 9 is advanced (beyond grade 8).

Item Details

Category: Bassoon Repertoire
Publisher: Forton Music
Publisher's reference: FM594
Our Stock Code: 1410860
Media Type: Paperback

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