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Festive Baroque [Flute]
Includes CD

Arranged by Robert van Beringen
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From the Publisher

This album offers a varied selection of solos from the Baroque period. Robert van Beringen, has made a careful selection of the main repertoire from this period of composers including works by Purcell, Handel, Bach, Hasse, Rameau, Tartini, Lully and especially George Philipp Telemann. This publication comes with a play-along CD featuring complete performances together with organ accompaniments.

Difficulty guide: 3-5
Difficulty level, roughly compared to ABRSM exam grades. 0 is total beginner, 9 is advanced (beyond grade 8).


  1. Die Würde (Majesty, La Majesté) (Telemann)
  2. Air (Purcell)
  3. Die Tapferkeit (Courage, La Vaillance) (Telemann)
  4. Air (Handel)
  5. Die Ausgelassen (Exuberance, La Gaillardise) (Telemann)
  6. Menuett (Minuet, Menuet) (J S Bach)
  7. Bourrée (Hasse)
  8. Die Liebe (Love, L’Amour) (Telemann)
  9. La Villageoise (The Village Girl) (Rameau)
  10. Die Anmut (Grace, La Grace) (Telemann)
  11. Sarabande (Tartini)
  12. Gavotte (Lully)

Item Details

Category: Playalong Classical Flute Collections
Publisher: De Haske Publications
Publisher's reference: DHP1043556-400
Our Stock Code: 926331
Media Type: Paperback; includes accompaniment CD

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