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Product Reviews: The Fife Book

Liz Goodwin

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Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 (3 reviews)

5 out of 5 “Flute Training On A Budget!”

Reviewed by Richard, 10 years ago
Verified Purchase

I'm a multi instrumentalist...mainly piano, keyboard, violin & guitar. Some wind instruments, like the flute, I've found intriguing but to become a casual flute player would prove expensive.
Someone suggested that the fife would be an ideal way to train someone in basic flute techniques for a fraction of the price.
After some careful internet research, I'm pleased to say I found & despite the Yamaha fife being the most popular, I chose the ever so slightly more expensive myfife plus The Fife Book books 1 & 2.
I'm very pleased that I chose both the supplier & the products. First of all, the ordering process was very straightforward. Then, my fife & books arrived, extremely well packaged, within a day of order.
The quality & rosewood appearance of the fife are excellent. As are the books, which although arguably aimed at younger folk are more than ideal for adult learners thanks to the clear instructions & exercises delivered by Liz Goodwin.
Having once tried a flute some years ago & failing to produce a note, I made my first breathy steps with some trepidation. However, much to my delight, I started to produce some fairly acceptable notes withing a few minutes.
OK, I'm no Wouter Kellerman yet & no doubt never will be. But my journey has started successfully & this is all thanks to Just Flutes
Whatever your musical needs, you are guaranteed great products, prices & pre/post sales service.
Thanks guys. My piano pupils are enjoying their new accompanist...sort of!

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5 out of 5 “Excellent all around!”

Reviewed by Michael, 7 years ago
Verified Purchase

I purchased some method books from Just Flutes first of all because they were so much less expensive than ones I could order here in the US. My main concern was receiving them from across the pond in time for the start of the class. I was stunned and happy when they arrived in the mail in just a few days! Easy ordering, good prices, fast delivery - what more could you ask?

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5 out of 5 “The Fife Book”

Reviewed by Jim, 5 years ago
Verified Purchase

Well laid out, lots of fun material for all levels of students.

Only used it for a short time but works well with flute students too.

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