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Product Reviews: Just Flutes JFB-310B Flûte d'Amour in Bb

£2,745.83 excluding VAT (UK Export and VAT Assisted Purchase price)

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Customer Reviews

4.5 out of 5 (2 reviews)

4 out of 5 “A good instrument that can produce a clearly different tone from the flute”

Reviewed by Keisuke, 6 months ago
Verified Purchase

It is an instrument with a similar range to the concert flute, but when I played it I could clearly hear the difference in tone.
The flute d'amore has a rich bass sound, and is an instrument that is somewhere between the gentle tone of the alto flute and the gorgeous tone of the concert flute.
On the other hand, it is a little difficult to pronounce and control the higher notes.
It has a clearer pronunciation than the alto flute and a stronger bass than the concert flute, so it seems like it can be used for different purposes. I'm looking forward to continuing to use it.

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5 out of 5 “Beautiful enchanting tone.”

Reviewed by R.A., 1 year ago
(Unverified Purchase)

Well built and good looking flute with a wonderful mezzo tone.
The flute responds very easily in the first two octaves, while the third octave takes a little bit more effort. The flute is quite comfortable to hold, certainly compared to an alto flute. Its diameter is slightly bigger than that of the regular concert flute in C.
I am very pleased with this flute.

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