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East Wind for Solo Flute

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From the Publisher

Both Ran’s East Wind and the Biblical "East Wind" imply this juxtaposition of tragedy and epic content. In the Bible, the East Wind first appears in the Book of Genesis as the subject of the Pharaoh’s premonition dream. In the Book of Exodus, this premonition is realised as the powerful East Wind brings the plague of locusts and parts the Red Sea. Ran’s East Wind exploits the full range of the flute (B3-D#7), employs extended techniques such as pitch bends, key clicks, and the percussive "spit tongue" articulation, and contains complex, non-metered rhythms with angular melodies that push the technical capabilities of the performer.

Performance duration (approx): 6'00

Difficulty guide: 9
Difficulty level, roughly compared to ABRSM exam grades. 0 is total beginner, 9 is advanced (beyond grade 8).

Item Details


  • Part 1: Flute
Category: Solo Flute Repertoire
Publisher: Theodore Presser Company
Publisher's reference: 114-40469
Our Stock Code: 1109382
Media Type: Paperback (5 pages [score])

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