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Introducing London Woodwind by Just Flutes - Saxes and Clarinets by Your Favourite Flute Shop!
Clive Nunn

Clive Nunn

Reading RG6

Phone: 01189860690
Mobile: 07854602712
Please remember to mention Just Flutes when you call.

DBS Checked

Profile last updated: 12 Feb 2025

I am a former member of the National Youth Orchestra, recently retired from a job in commerce, and am therefore able to offer highly flexible times for lessons. I welcome beginners and intermediate standard players of all ages. I offer a free initial consultation and trial lesson and I have a Yamaha student flute that you can try out if you aren't yet sure if playing the flute is for you! I have a grand piano and modest piano playing skills, so that I can provide piano accompaniment during lessons and for exams.

What I teach:

  • Flute
    • Beginner
    • Intermediate
  • Theory
    • Beginner

Who I teach

  • Children
  • Adults

Genres I teach

  • Classical
  • Popular

Where I teach

  • You travel to me


  • DipABRSM


  • 30 minutes: £17.00
  • 60 minutes: £28.00

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