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Introducing London Woodwind by Just Flutes - Saxes and Clarinets by Your Favourite Flute Shop!
Tutti Flutti

Tutti Flutti

We are a welcoming and friendly group. We enjoy playing a really wide range of music. Our latest repertoire includes Mozart, Queen, Scott Joplin, Shostakovitch, tunes from 'Chitty ,chitty ,bang, bang'. During rehearsal there is always time for playing tips and to work on any difficult passages together, with the chance of coffee and cake at the break!
We are fortunate to have two piccolos in the group and a Bass and Alto flute player. There is also a Bass flute which can be loaned out to members.
Our most recent performance was at a local school's prom concert where we played 'Chattanooga','Liberty Bell' and 'You've got a friend in me'.
So dust your flute down and come along and join! Make new friends and improve your playing.


Wednesday mornings from 9.30 am to 11 am at Holy Trinity Church, Fareham, Hants

Postcode PO16


We perform mostly on an informal basis usually for charity. We perform twice a year.

Membership: £20.00 (per month)


  • Teenagers
  • Adults
  • Between Grades 2 and Post Grade 8


Ruth: 07746 297474 (Please remember to mention Just Flutes when you call)

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