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Looking at More Efficient Practice on the Flute
Includes CD

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From the Publisher

Trevor Wye has an impressive catalog of pedagogical works spread through several publishers, many of which have become standard fare for beginning, advancing, and accomplished students. With Looking at More Efficient Practice on the Flute, he is pulling all of that together for a comprehensive study plan, designed to maximize the practice time required of all flutists. Wye looks at all of the components of efficient practice, from the flute itself, to the standard repertoire, to posture, to rhythmic consistency, and much, much more. Given all of the methods and studies that Wye has produced, this is the book that forms the foundation for their use. For beginners, to intermediate, to advanced.

Item Details


  • Part 1: Flute
Category: Flute Technique Books
Publisher: Falls House Press
Publisher's reference: FH0371
Our Stock Code: 1200027
Media Type: Paperback (54 pages [score]); includes accompaniment CD